Breaking News: Gruppo Campari acquires Sagatiba Cachaça - Time for Barizil Negronis

Well, it's offical: John Gakuru, global Brand Ambassador Sagatiba, posted it on Facebook.

Sagatiba Cachaça is now part of the Campari Company. From the official News:

Continued strong growth across all key indicators in the first half of 2011 Acquisition of Sagatiba, the leading super premium cachaça in Brazil . HIGHLIGHTS Sales: € 589.1 million (+14.2%, organic growth +12.2%)

Contribution after A&P: € 240.7 million (+14.9%, organic growth +11.5%, 40.9% of sales) 
EBITDA before one-offs: € 154.2 million (+19.9%, organic growth +16.4%, 26.2% of sales) 
EBIT before one-offs: € 139.0 million (+19.8%, organic growth +15.9%, 23.6% of sales) 
Group net profit: € 75.3 million (+8.7%) 
Net financial debt at € 669.0 million (from € 677.0 million at 31 December 2010) 
Acquisition of Sagatiba for a consideration of USD 26 million (corresponding to € 18 million on the acquisition’s date), plus earn-out 


Furthermore, the acquisition of Sagatiba, the leading super premium and fast growing cachaca brand in Brazil, significantly strengthens our brand portfolio in that key emerging market. It enables us to tap into the largest segment of the Brazilian spirits market as well as leverage the premiumization trend being driven by socio economic improvement. Looking forward, we expect our key growth drivers to continue delivering positive performances and remain committed to sustained investments in marketing and innovation. Based on a balanced view of risks and opportunities, we remain optimistic about our full year prospects.’

--> Read the total Story here

Congratulations John! After lime soaked years it is time now for fine Cachaça Negronis.

But please, do me a favor: No Aperol in the Brazil Bazil Smash and no Spritz ... ok?



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