
Es werden Posts vom November, 2015 angezeigt.

Sam - The Sommelier from London. A sparkling Credit Card fraud with Champagne

Yesterday in the early evening I was in the kitchen of Le Lion. I saw the world greatest Bar Back, Kaies, checking the champagne chambrair. " Seven bottles of Dom Perignon Rosé, eight Vintage ones" he gave this numbers as a notice to a bartender on the phone. Sam was giving us a call from London. He is coming to Hamburg tomorrow. He is meeting up with some very important Sommeliers. He has a very important meeting with them. But somehow his champagne provider fucked it up. So his is calling "high end" Bar to help him out. He is looking for Armand de Brignac. If we don't have it, Dom Perignon would be also ok... I just observed all this: the phone call, out Bartenders checking out stock etc. Sam will call us back. Sam called again. After checking stocks, the bartenders gave him our "in house" prices and it looks Sam doesn't care about the price. All bottles together would be a total of around 6500,- €. He said he is fine with the price. If ...

An die Freunde des Löwen: Ueber Gin. Ueber Trends. Von einem, der auszog Genever zu entdecken und den Celery Basil Smash nach Hause brachte

Von Zeit zu Zeit schreibe ich eine Mail an die Stammgäste des Le Lion • Bar de Paris. So wie diese Woche. Tool: Mailchimp . Hier können Sie sich auf meinen Verteiler eintragen: Freunde des Löwen . Werte Freunde des Löwen, ich weiss, ich erzähle Ihnen nichts neues: Gin ist in aller Munde. Keine anständige Hausbar mehr ohne fünf verschieden Ginsorten. Und seien wir ehrlich, Sie haben doch auch schon das Zweit- Tonic im Kühlschrank, oder? Wenn sich also auffällig viele charmante Menschen einem guten Getränk widmen, nennen Medien das gerne einen „Trend“. Das wiederum bring diese charmanten Menschen in Schwierigkeiten. Denn Sie wollen alles, insbesondere Qualität, nur eines nicht: einem Trend folgen. Einige, gerade erst an Gin gewöhnt, verfallen in Panik und suchen schon eine Ausweichflüssigkeit. Die „coolen“ Bars schrauben Ihr Gin Sortiment zurück, einige Bartender mit „Bildungsauftrag“ rümpfen neuerdings bei Ihrer Gin Tonic Bestellung die Nase und die ganzen coolen Hunde blicken ihne...

THE BUSINESS OF BARS: The top 30 selling Brands and Drinks at THE BOILERMAN BAR

THE BOILERMAN BAR Top 10 Sales from October 2014 to October 2015 A little bit longer than 3 years ago, our company Lion Barbetriebe GmbH opened their second bar: THE BOILERMAN BAR . Our Idea was to create a kind of total opposite of LE LION • BAR DE PARIS our Classic Bar in the center of Hamburg. So we created a Dive Bar concept, where we took all thinks, which we do not like on dive bars, out. Our goal was an easy and relaxing neighborhood, dive  bar with a little bit uptempo atmosphere. But to keep our core values from also Le Lion. Very friendly, competent staff, fresh and quality ingredients, a great value for money. The rest we flipped. Next to this we wanted to create quick and easy to prepare drinks. Not boring. With a story. Great in taste. And strong and tasteful ( another Lions core value). So we researched the history of Highballs and found out that they are everything else than Longdrinks, Spirits with a filler and all these boring style. (btw: Still...