
Es werden Posts vom März, 2012 angezeigt.

Gin Basil Smash aka Gin Pesto

  From time to time I receive "angry" email. From Bartenders. But, they are not angry about me (ok. sometimes they are, but these are different emails) . No, they are very friendly towards my person. They are more like this :" Dear Joerg, I have spotted a drinks menu, where they call a Drink the GIN PESTO. It is a Gin Basil Smash but they just named it GIN PESTO … isn't that a shame?" Today, someone send me this photo above from Facebook. It was shoot yesterday by Marcus Wolff in Hilton Airport Frankfurt. He was on his way to the legendary Birthday Party of the Bartender Network Frankfurt ( and they have the same age like the Gin Basil Smash - Happy Birthday to the Frankfurt Bartender Network on this way ) Marcus is a great Bartender from Berlin, visit his BAR MARQUÉS in Kreuzberg. And he was asking the same: "Aeh - a Gin Pesto drink ? Isn't that named different?" Well, "ALL CLEAR" - No Problem with the GIN PESTO. To be honest, I nam...

The Mixicologist :"This is the age of progress" - a modern Text about "Mixologists" from 1895 …

From: 1895: " The Mixicologists " or How to mix all kinds of fancy drinks by C.F. Lawlor   Introductory THIS is an age of progress, new ideas and new appliances follow each other in rapid succession to meet the ever-increasing demand for novelties, which administer to create comforts and gratifications to fastidious tastes. "The Mixicologist" is intended to meet this demand. It is with feelings of modesty and diffidence that I approach so important a subject, but my long experience, and my hearty desire to produce what I hope will become a standard, and thus to help my fellow workers, and also to elevate the tone of our profession, prompts the undertaking. These, I trust, are sufficient reasons for my attempting to write the following. If to "tend bar" consisted only in filling up glasses thoughtlessly, and pushing them out to customers carelessly, it would not be proper to speak of it as a polite vocation and a fine art, and it would be useless to ...

Die Bar ist eine kleine, intime Gaststätte nordamerikanischen Ursprungs…

Aus dem Buch:  1948: Petite Breviaire a l'intention des gourmets et tout particulierement des amatuers de: Liqueurs, Spiritueux, Apéritifs, Wins de Liqueurs et autres boissons délectables établi par André Delhorbe, Leopold Mändle, Abraham Pluznik. Edité par LATELTIN s.A. Zürich (zweisprachig: französisch und deutsch. Die Bar ist eine kleine, intime Gaststätte nordamerikanischen Ursprungs, in welcher alle Art von alkoholhaltigen and alkoholfreien Getränke serviert werden. Daher die Bezeichnung "American Drinks", worunter man sämtliche gemischten Getränke versteht. Das Wort "bar" selbst stammt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet eigentlich Buffet oder Schanktisch. In der Schweiz kamen die ersten Bars in den Neunzigerjahren als mehr oder minder primitive Tavernen auf. Sie haben sich aber in den letzten zwanzig Jahren in jeder Beziehung entwickelt und den Zeitströmungen angepasst: heute gehören sie zum eigentlichen Grossstadtbild. Da sie besonders gerne von ausländ...

Harmann Barney Burke: About Mixing, Icing, Stiring, Shaking and the School of Berlin Bartenders

From: Burke's Complete Cocktail and Tastybite Recipes. 1936, New York About the Berlin School of Mixing Page 41: " Mixing Measuring: Measure deliberately and with car. Too much or too little of an ingredient may cause the drink to just miss its mark. Icing: The mixture generally should be poured over the ice. In some instances this is immaterial, but it is the safe way. In a certain high-class hotel in Berlin a barman is discharged if he is detected dropping ice into a cocktail mixture. The meticulous Germans explain that pouring the liquid on a liberal quantity of ice, sets up an immediate chill which is an outstanding attraction of the cocktail. The same school of mixing prohibits violent shaking and insists that the drinks be poured off the ice as quickly as possible after genlte, quick shaking. This is a professional method, and unless carefully done may result in "warm" drinks. the secret is,plenty of ice and quick, gentle movement. If the above method i...

boozebooks: selling old and rare Mixology / Bartender Books

a few month ago, I bought another collection of Bartender Books. Most of them have a ex-libris stamp from the private collection of  "Jan Longone" which is: Janice Bluestein Longone. Look at the great Culinary Archive at the William L. Clements Library. THE JANICE BLUESTEIN LONGONE CULINARY ARCHIVE I am going to sell most of them. Some of them I will sell on ebay. I have opened a twitter account where I will update all sales asap. So, feel free to follow @boozebooks on twitter. Currently it is 15 books on ebay, and I will upload more and more. So have a look at the ebay channel Next to the big names and hunted down rare classic book (which end often, better to say: hopefully, in a few hundred and more dollars) it will be many not so popular books. And I will try to show a few here at Because most of them, are worth a look. In every of them is so many to discover. Burkes Complete Cocktails and Tastybite I fall in love with. Good recipes and great Advices …...