Follow up: DIAGEOS World Class - Moscow today and how bartenders were selected 2009 and 2010 in Germany
Oh, what a week. This OPEN LETTER to DIAGEO was a little bit time consuming . Reading and answering quite a lot of email & comments. But first of all, I really like the fact that Mrs Louise Mc Guane, Global Commercial Marketing Manager from DIAGEO Reserve toke the time the answer every Question on this case here in the comments . I think, the IBB Brothers from Moscow and their „Problem with WORLD CLASS“ is now also noticed in London. And also, DIAGEOS point of view is clear and to me comprehensible. Some more point on this case: Adam Elmegirab wrote his take about WORLD CLASS on his THE JERRY THOMAS PROJECT blog. „WORLD CLASS 3? More like WORLD WAR 3... In the comments, Miguel F. Lancha from Spain is writing about the spanish experience with WORLD CLASS Kind a lot of Bartenders from Russia now united and you can follow their acitivites on a facebook group. They call themselve : Diageo World „Class B“ Russia Rustam Ganeev, Bartender Moscow, let me know that many Headba...