Gin Basil Smash aka Gin Pesto

Marcus Wolff FFM.jpg


From time to time I receive "angry" email. From Bartenders. But, they are not angry about me (ok. sometimes they are, but these are different emails). No, they are very friendly towards my person. They are more like this :" Dear Joerg, I have spotted a drinks menu, where they call a Drink the GIN PESTO. It is a Gin Basil Smash but they just named it GIN PESTO … isn't that a shame?"

Today, someone send me this photo above from Facebook. It was shoot yesterday by Marcus Wolff in Hilton Airport Frankfurt. He was on his way to the legendary Birthday Party of the Bartender Network Frankfurt ( and they have the same age like the Gin Basil Smash - Happy Birthday to the Frankfurt Bartender Network on this way ) Marcus is a great Bartender from Berlin, visit his BAR MARQUÉS in Kreuzberg. And he was asking the same: "Aeh - a Gin Pesto drink ? Isn't that named different?"

Well, "ALL CLEAR" - No Problem with the GIN PESTO. To be honest, I named the Gin Basil Smash the GIN PESTO. In my first Blog Post about the Gin Basil Smash, at the BITTERS BLOG, I wrote :

Seit einigen Tagen schon, feile ich während meiner Schicht im Löwen an einem Drink herum. Ich nenne Ihn Gin-Basil Smash aka GIN PESTO und er findet bei unseren Gästen sehr großen Anklang.

Since a few days, I am fine-tuning a drink while working at LE LION. I call him GIN BASIL SMASH aka GN PESTO and our customers like him very much...

I expected people would more get a simple (and cheeky) name like Gin Pesto. But, time showed different. People become more interested into drinks and classics and they go for the name "Gin Basil Smash".

So, when ever you spot a Gin Pesto on a Menu, try to order a plate of "Carprese" by side...

-> first post of the Gin Basil Smash , Bitters Blog, at the 10.07.2008 (Basil Smash's Birthday)






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