Food Paring 2.0 - Dill in a bottle ... awesome

Mr. Søren Sørensen made my day yesterday. Not only that he showed up from Copenhagen to have a few days visiting Le Lion and move some shaker with me. No! Not only that I could involve him perfect in my general cleaning attack at a quite bar in Hamburg in a much to hot summer. No! He also brought me some presents. Nice! One will make a deep impact in the Food Paring movement in some cool bars and Restaurant Bars. I swear!

DILD AQUAVIT by Stengaardsbranderiet.

This Stuff is amazing. It's DILL DILL DILL DILL ... 100% . Clean, fine, perfect. Like a herb in your hand. Awesome! The Nose. To be honest (hey Peter!), drinking it neat is not the perfect way to consume it. This DIlD Aquavit has a high mixability.

We tried a few classic Gin drinks with this DILL Schnaps. Woho! Negroni - crazy one.

Søren told me the Story of Hendrik, who is doing this fantastic stuff. Sound like he is freak. And sound that there are some more great thinks waiting to be discovered. And sounds like I have to go there asap. If I was a wholeseller, I would get my contracts out of my drawer...

Try to get one of this. Its worth . And quite inexpensive as far as I understood.

Stay Tuned for a Dillinger!


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