Cocktailbitters I. : HAROMEX listet testweise Boker's Bitters, Dandelion & Burdock Bitters ein
Heute erhielt ich eine E-Mail von "Dr." Adam
"Thought you would be glad to know that Haromex will soon have my reformulated Boker's Bitters and Dandelion & Burdock Bitters available for distribution in Germany. The package is being boxed as I type and will be collected this coming week.
This is initially a trial run but should they sell successfully, which I am sure they will, Haromex will continue with distribution into the German market.
I would greatfully appreciate if you could pass this information on to any friends/colleagues you think may be interested. Thanks again for your continued support.
Also, I will be over to Germany in October for Bar Convent Berlin so I look forward to meeting as many of you as humanly possible, whilst also sharing as many drinks as humanly possible as well.
Kind regards,
Dr. Adam (not really a doctor)
This is initially a trial run but should they sell successfully, which I am sure they will, Haromex will continue with distribution into the German market.
I would greatfully appreciate if you could pass this information on to any friends/colleagues you think may be interested. Thanks again for your continued support.
Also, I will be over to Germany in October for Bar Convent Berlin so I look forward to meeting as many of you as humanly possible, whilst also sharing as many drinks as humanly possible as well.
Kind regards,
Dr. Adam (not really a doctor)
Adam Elmegirab,
Bar Consultant,
Evo-lution Bar Consultancy / Dr Adam Elmegirab's Bitters, Web - /"
Adam Elmegirab,
Bar Consultant,
Evo-lution Bar Consultancy / Dr Adam Elmegirab's Bitters, Web - /"
Den Boker's Bitte konnte ich bereits testen und finde Ihn gelungen (ohne das Original gekannt zu haben). Bei den anderen sehe ich keinen echten Bedarf, lasse mich gerne vom Gegenteil überzeugen. Möge der selbsternannte Doktor Erfolg mit seinen Bitters haben. Und die Regulierungsbehörden Ihn auf dem BCB wegen seines selbsternannten Berufstitels nicht hinter Gitter birngen - wobei: Gute PR wäre es sicherlich!
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