Inviatation to the Bar Symposium Warsaw and a little rant on the liquid brands of poland

Dear Bartenders, dear friends of the liquid world,

an inviatation and a little rant on the liquid brands from poland.

Never forget: Brands need Bartender - Bartender do not need brands !

So please join us for agreat come together and experience exchange, at least the most Rock 'n Roll barshow of 2014 on the 26th and 27th of may in warsaw. Infos:

Here is the schedule:


Poniedziałek 26 maja 2014 / Monday 26th May 2014

12:00 Otwarcie BSW 2013

12:30 – 13:15 - Leszek Stachura – "Be Seducive" - Body language in a bartenders' life.

13:45 – 14:15 - Steve Schneider - Three-Dimensional Bartending.

14:45 – 15:30 - Adam Grądziel & Jakub Kozłowski - Wejście Z Buta - Od Pisklaka Do Koguta

- czyli o tym, jak doszło do Pierwszego Piania na Kruczej.

16:00 – 16:45 - Joerg Meyer – The history of highballs.

Wtorek 27 maja 2014 / Tuesday 27th May 2014

12:00 Otwarcie BSW 2013

12:30 – 13:15 - Joerg Meyer – The Boilerman Bar.

13:45 – 14:15 - Marcin Wójciak - Coffee in Good Spirits, parę słów o kawowych cocktailach.

14:45 – 15:30 - Alastair Burgess & Julian Zerressen – How to grow a successful business.

16:00 – 16:45 - Alex Kratena – Nothing is original.


Update: a few hours after we put this little "rant" online . a few brands called Tomek and joint it to support Bar Symposium Warsaw ... looks liek will will have Champagne instead of Prosecco.

Thanks to all the Supporters


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