Drinkboy ist Tod - lang lebe die Chanticleer Society

Vor einigen Tagen haben ich von der Chanticleer Society gelesen. Robert Hess hat diese neue "wohltätige" Plattform ins Leben gerufen. Wie man auf der Webseite der Gesellschaft lesen kann, wird das Drinkboy Forum im Februar 2009 von Microsoft abgeschaltet.
Zitat Robert Hess: "We were looking for a name to christen a new organization of cocktail enthusiasts, and after a little head scratching David Wondrich uncovered the following quote:
"The Sunday Mercury says that if you are at a hotel, and wish to call for a beverage compounded of brandy, sugar, absynthe, bitters and ice, called by the vulgar a cocktail, ask for une queue de chanticleer-it will be an evidence at once of your knowledge of French and of Chesterfield."
- The New Orleans Daily Picayune, February 2, 1843, p.2
which provides an interesting alternative term for cocktail. Listed here "une queue de chanticleer" is roughly translated as "a tail of the rooster", in which "chanticleer" is used for "rooster" instead of the French "coq". "Chanticleer" is the name given in some old English myths and fables for a rooster character that sometimes appears.
So that is the origin of the name. But why you may ask create this particular group, at this particular time? Well, that's where things get a little complex. There were several different "pressures" that brought this about.
1. I was wanting to hold some public seminars here in Seattle, but to do this, and be able to serve cocktail samples at them, I had to create a non-profit organization.
2. MSN Groups decided it was going to shut down in February 2009, which meant that my drinkboy discussion forum would be going away. For technical reasons I couldn't host it on the drinkboy.com website, so I decided that I should create a new website for this.
3. There has recently been a lot of activity in regards to Bartenders Guilds, both ones that are officially part of the USBG, as well as some independent groups starting up. They are of course set up to be by, and for, bartenders, but they also are providing some level of "participation" by non-bartenders, but not as a primary focus.
So, I decided to try to take these issues, combine them together, and form an organization that is by, and for, cocktail enthusiasts. Besides providing a discussion forum to replace the drinkboy forum, the plan is for it also to assign "ambassadors" around the world who will take on the responsibility of keeping abreast of the cocktail happenings in their area. They will keep tabs on the bars and bartenders of note in their locale, and be able to report on the status when the need arises.
We will also lock arms with the various other organizations, websites, etc that are cocktail related, hopefully providing a great network of resources and opportunities.
We are still in our formative stages, so various details surrounding what this organization is, and where it is going will surely change over the weeks, months, and years to come.
Robert Hess"
The Chanticleer Society - A Worldwide Organization of Cocktail Enthusiasts
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