Cocktail and Spirits Paris, the coolest Bar Event on earth....

OK, I agree, it's a little bit catchy. Or lets say it with great Gincalos words: "You meet the creme de la creme...".

Next weekend, there will the the third Version of the fantastic Paris Barshow, and next to the BCB, the Cocktail & Spirits in Paris is the Bar Show I enjoy most.

I just wrote an article about great VENUEZ in Rotterdam  for Alexandra Tinkova and her Bar Magazine "Thinking about the drinking" and ended up by counting down more than 25 Global Bar Events you nowadays "should" visit. 25 is by far to much for me (and even Global Brand Ambassadors start called this "ridiculous") and it is time to sort out the bad one from the few good ones.

And Cocktail and Spirits is by far one of the best Shows I ever attended. 

So, book your flight/Eurostar to Paris. I will be there next Weekend till Tuesday. Meet me at the Bar Rouge.

Presentations at Bar Rouge

Sunday 30 May, 2010
  1. 2.00 pm – Le Forum, Paris (Joseph Biolatto)
  2. 3.30 pm – 69 Colebrooke Row, London (Tony Conigliaro)
  3. 5.00 pm – Chinatown, Shangai (George Nemec)
  4. 6.30 pm – Connaught Hotel, London (Agostino Perrone & Erik Lorincz)
Monday 31 May, 2010
  1. 2.00 pm – Capri Lounge – Cologne (Volker Seibert)
  2. 3.30 pm - Hix, Londres (Nick Strangeway)
  3. 5.00 pm – Nothingham Forest, Milan (Dario Comini)
  4. 6.30 pm – Drink, Boston (John Gertsen)
Or all over Paris. I signed up at foursquare to let you know, where I will have a few drinks - please feel free to join!

I am very proud that the Management of Cocktail and Spirits, Thierry Daniel & Eric Fossard,  toke my advice and CAPRI LOUNGE from Cologne is this Year presenting at C&S.

I will be next Sunday and Monday in Paris and hopefully, you are as well.


  1. Joerg, ich bin sehr dankbar und stolz, dass du da an mich gedacht hast... und, dass du mich in Paris unterstützt ist mir eine Ehre... Wir werden uns alle sehr große Mühe geben, die Erwartungen zu erfüllen... Mit besten kollegialen Grüßen Volker Seibert


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