Today: 10.7.2009 - we celebrate the first birthday of the GIN BASIL SMASH at Le Lion - Bar de Basil
Honestly... a week ago, we would completely forget about. But, happy me & WEB 2.0 nerd, I read a blog from a Bar I have never been to and was wondering: Cool - they celebrate the Birthday of LE LION's Gin Basil Smash ... so maybe we should do as well (So - thanks to Roman Koffer)?
So ... it started a year ago at Bitter-Blog (R.I.P). The Gin Pesto Post. Shortly after this one, I found some Red Basil and started the Gin RED Basil Smash. So ... don't know why ... think it is a delightful Drink and the guest really listen to you if you put BASIL in a classic, more and more bars start serving this Basil Smash drinks. We had some Summer Weekends where people killed all Gin and Basil stock we had .... amazing! Bastian Heuser (Beuser), from Mixology Magazin Berlin wrote about the Smash and Jeffrey Morgenthaler put it in his speach/presentation at Bar Convent Berlin. So... The Basil Smash Movement started: First in Germany, then in a few more places over the World.
Lovely Bar put the Basil Smash Variations on the list, more and more.
Later on... Mr. Hepburn fly in to Hamburg for a Basil Smash and made it a OH GOSH video (and my english again is really really aweful!)
At least, yesterday, I recived an email. Basil Smash is now on the Cocktail Menue of one of the biggest German Chain operated TEX MEX Companies ... Sausalitos. Questionable fame?
So, if you like to do me a favour, please ... give me your story about the Gin Basil Smash as a comment. Did you see it on a menu somewhere, do you serve a Basil in your bar, did you ever do some at home? All Basil Smash related to me please! If you have a menu ... send me a .pdf via joerg @
Thank you!
So ... it started a year ago at Bitter-Blog (R.I.P). The Gin Pesto Post. Shortly after this one, I found some Red Basil and started the Gin RED Basil Smash. So ... don't know why ... think it is a delightful Drink and the guest really listen to you if you put BASIL in a classic, more and more bars start serving this Basil Smash drinks. We had some Summer Weekends where people killed all Gin and Basil stock we had .... amazing! Bastian Heuser (Beuser), from Mixology Magazin Berlin wrote about the Smash and Jeffrey Morgenthaler put it in his speach/presentation at Bar Convent Berlin. So... The Basil Smash Movement started: First in Germany, then in a few more places over the World.
Lovely Bar put the Basil Smash Variations on the list, more and more.
Later on... Mr. Hepburn fly in to Hamburg for a Basil Smash and made it a OH GOSH video (and my english again is really really aweful!)
At least, yesterday, I recived an email. Basil Smash is now on the Cocktail Menue of one of the biggest German Chain operated TEX MEX Companies ... Sausalitos. Questionable fame?
So, if you like to do me a favour, please ... give me your story about the Gin Basil Smash as a comment. Did you see it on a menu somewhere, do you serve a Basil in your bar, did you ever do some at home? All Basil Smash related to me please! If you have a menu ... send me a .pdf via joerg @
Thank you!
So ... The Basil Smash love is running around the World. It is also great with Agave Tequila and also with some Rye and Bourbon. So: do not forget to celebrate tonight! Come to Le Lion or mix yourself a Basil somewhere on the World tonight. And send us a Photo!
Btw. is currently arround 700 with the "Gin Basil Smash"
Btw. is currently arround 700 with the "Gin Basil Smash"
what a coincidence...!
AntwortenLöschenToday the new list is making it´s great debut. And - of course - the GBS is one of the newly added drinks. :)
...but also before the GBS was much in demand. One of our guests brought his own Basil, knewing, that we won´t have it in store till the new list is finished...
In this spirit:
Happy Birthday and cheers!
What did Helmut on Mixology said:
AntwortenLöschen"Gin Basil Smash - probably a longseller"
Well, perhaps it is also a new classic Cocktail for this Century, because we take the classic DNA of a gin Sour and add fresh herbs to increase the flavour and make something special.
It is hard to do something new, cause we got so much spirits, so much liquors, so much sirups and herbs and all the other things.
But you made it!
You made a drink that is really a classic, perhaps a classic cuisine style or a classic liquid kitchen.
What was the phrase: "chapeau!" I try it again to chambre the champaign bottle with the glass (curiosly from seven try's the first one was the one with success)
with the best wishes
Roman "Ron" Koffer
I have recommended the Basil-Smash to hosts that wanted to book my very small cocktail service. And I have not yet met a single person - be it man or woman - who does not like it. My Friends and I even sometimes have raging discussions about what is the best gin to use.
AntwortenLöschenI have to admit though: I always mix it with lime because I find that it just tastes more refreshing that way. Lately, I've found that ImaGin works great in it.
Thanks for a great drink. Will always credit the great mister meyer when asked about its origin :)
Und - ich vergaß zu erwähnen - Ihr Englisch ist reizend ;-D